These one of a kind jewels were hand carved by the Indigenous women of the Himba people who live in the north of the African nation of Namibia. The Himbas, it is sometimes said, are the most beautiful tribe of Africa. Their otjize-coated hair and skin create a flawless, radiant complexion, and their slender build and upright posture create an otherworldly elegance to them. Their handicrafts are gorgeous too.
With any $75+ purchase I will send you one of these exquisite and versatile cuff bracelets that were hand carved by these talented women. Most all are neutral colors. The design of your gift will be a surprise.
- One Size Fits All/Most
- Hand carved PVC pipe (to replicate the look of horn that was once used)
- Hand made in Namibia
**The additional picture is one I took of the Himba women who made these bracelets in the German colonial town of Swakopmund. They traveled from the north to sell their wares at the market here. They were talented and fierce negotiators too :).